As a practice, we pride ourselves in providing the best quality care for your pet and aim to have the highest standard of customer care. In line with these aims, we have a duty of care to protect of employees of The Natural Vet whilst they work to the above services. In line with this duty of care, we have outlines below the standards expected of our clients from registration.
When registering with The Natural Vet UK clients will agree to act in line with the following conduct:
- treat staff and volunteers with respect and honesty
- refrain from discriminatory comments or actions in regard to sexism, racism, ableism, classism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and any other behaviour that is derogatory to a marginalised person(s) in our practice
- inform staff of any needs and/or changes in circumstances and contact details in order to receive relevant services
- give advance notice of their need to access any services provided in a timely manner. Due to emergencies sometimes the clinic may run late, however, please note in a veterinary practice this is unavoidable despite all measures taken to limit this
- understand that The Natural Vet works with many clients and pets, and staff may need to prioritise their time to deal with an emergency or life-threatening situation
- maintain confidentiality go other clients, patients and staff
- understand that The Natural Vet and its staff has limitations in regard to the services we can provide in the clinic, and external referrals may be offered in this case. In such an event we have no control over the costs set by these referral clinics or OOH care providers
- realise that access to services may have limited treatment options depending on costs. Unfortunately veterinary services are not funded like human medicine, and as such some treatment options can be costly. We recommend insuring your pet where possible
- understand that staff/volunteers will not usually be available on a drop-in bassi, an appointment will be necessary for any veterinary treatment and orders must be placed for prescriptions required. Please note that prescriptions have a 48 hours wait period
- deal with problems and concerns in a mature manner in line with policies and procedures set out by The Natural Vet
- understand that making comments, including on social media the harass, bully or defame a staff or volunteer, and could result in warnings or immediate dismissal from the clinic and services
- refrain from making demeaning and personal comments about any staff or volunteers of The Natural Vet
Refusal of Service :
All clients have a responsibility to be respectful, polite and considerate of other service users, employee and volunteers of The Natural Vet. The decision o refuse service is usually made by the employee / volunteer in consultation with the manager. Wherever possible, if a client / patient is refused service, that service user is provided with a written letter to provide notice of registration termination.
Individuals may be refused service :
- where a manager and an employee agree that a client has contravened the above responsibilities
- where a client is or is perceived to be threatening, harmful, sexually inappropriate or sexually harassing to fellow group members / clients, staff or volunteers, is disruptive to the practices ability to function, or breaches confidentiality
- where a client is or is perceived to be harassing, threatening or obscene in interaction with employees, volunteers or other service users
We have a zero tolerance policy for the following behaviour:
- verbal abuse, malicious or harmful statements about others, profanity or disrespect directer at a person or pet
- any form of harassment
- discriminatory comments and / or actions
- intimidation tactics and / or threats
- allowing your pet to intimidate or threaten a person or another pet
- public disclosure of anothers private information
- suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol or behaviour altering drugs
- failure to comply with requests from our staff, including leashing / restraining your pet
In the even that your behaviour is problematic, we reserve the right to discontinue services immediately.